Our namesake, Captain William Renton
Was a lumber and shipping merchant, moved his sawmill operations in 1863, to Blakely Harbor, Bainbridge Island.
Was a lumber and shipping merchant, moved his sawmill operations in 1863, to Blakely Harbor, Bainbridge Island.
Our mission is to assist Masons and others in need, focusing on aging in place and securing resources for basic essentials; investing in youth and education, boosting their ability to achieve their greatest potential; and preserving and curating Masonic heritage, illuminating Masonry’s impact in Washington’s past, present and future.
To learn more about the fantastic works we do, click on our logo to the left <-
Washington Masonic Services is a religiously inclusive, apolitical, 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Freemasonry has existed throughout the world for centuries and is the oldest Fraternal Order in the world. Chartered in 1879, the Brethren of William Renton Lodge No 29 have a proud history on the Island. We support our youth through scholarships and a local Boy Scout troop.
VWB Todd S. Mears
DDGM for District 12
Worshipful Master - WB Brian Kovara
Senior Warden - Bro Matt Makowicz
Junior Warden - WB Jerry Hall
Treasurer - WB Jason Reeder
Secretary - WB Bob Barbo
Chaplain - WB Charles Yankosky
Senior Deacon - VWB Scot Sageser
Junior Deacon - Bro Chad Weust
Tyler - WB Bill Biscomb
Our Executive Chef, Bro Greg Epstein always delivers a fantastic meal. Wives are encouraged to join us for dinner, the conversations and fellowship warm the heart as our hearth will warm the body.
1299 Grow Avenue Northwest, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110, United States
Call us at (206) 842-8846
The 2nd Monday of the month (except for July & August)
Fellowship begins at 6:00pm
Dinner is at 6:30pm
Stated Meeting is at 7:30pm
Copyright © 2024 William Renton No 29 - All Rights Reserved.